You will only be able to see one small area unless a gamemaster is online to help you.
You can use the W, A, S, D keys to move or you can click the place you want to go with the mouse. Double click to run or move faster. If your character can fly, the page up and page down keys move you up and down. To talk hit enter to bring up a chat box, then type your message and hit enter again. To attack, push the "control" button on the left side of your keyboard. Hit escape twice to logout.
To pick up an item, click on them with the right mouse button when your character is near the item.
If your character walks or runs, but doesn't actually go anywhere, you may have lost your server connection. To fix this, hit escape twice to log out, then log back in.
There are other commands. Click on the question mark icon on the bottom of your screen once you are in the game to access the help feature.